Santa’s Fat Sack of X-Mas Goodies.

We asked Santa for a Fat Sack of Tips to survive Christmas, here’s what we have:

Slip Slop Slap

This x-mas holidays is going to be a scorcher!! Last thing you want is to be burnt like a lobster… Wack on that SPF40+, Your UV glasses, wide brim hat and avoid the direct sun between 10am and 2pm!

Stay Hydrated not inebriated

What’s better in this hot weather then a cold beer? Not much…... But take it easy, the last thing you want to do is carry on like a pork chop in front of the extended family. Tie in a few glasses of water in-between drinks that way you can enjoy your beer and family, consequence free.

‘Presence’ not Presents

Put down your phone and enjoy the time with your family. Sure, you want to get a few snaps for Facebook, Instagram or whatever but…… the key is being present with your loved ones…. Forget social media and be grateful for everything that you have happening around you RIGHT NOW

Be aware of what you Share

As much as it sucks not everyone is as honest as you and me, be careful about what you share across social media. The last thing you want is to get back from holiday to find out your brand-new motorbike has been stolen why you were enjoying your favourite beach for the week. All of which you had shared on your social media!!

Driver Reviver

Long Days, Celebrations, Drinks, Plenty of food and then hours of driving. Not the greatest of combinations. Please ensure you are at your peak when driving on the roads. Take a 15 minute break every two hours, have a bite to eat or go for a walk…… Stop, Revive, Survive!

Nicholas Roddy