Celebrate Small Wins

Isn’t it funny how hard we are on ourselves for the smallest mistake yet when we have a small win, we hardly ever feel good about it, let alone celebrate it…….


Its time to start celebrating those small wins! The celebration of these small wins enhances motivation and increases confidence that can be used as momentum going forward for future projects, who couldn’t use a little bit more of that around the workforce.

Here are 3 steps to celebrate small wins at work

Identify them: Don’t be bashful, take time to notice your wins its essential for growth, whether it’s for yourself, your team or your business.

Communicate them: Go ahead brag a little, it feels good, you get to experience the good vibes all over again and it will keep you energised to keep winning. It also could invoke a little friendly competition between friends… Everybody wins.

Reward yourself: Grab a six pack on the way home (or grab your work colleague a scratchy pack) you’ve earned it!! Rewarding yourself or your team is a great way to keep you motivated, recondition the brain to strive for success and keep the vibes going!!


For a happier, more productive and successful workforce its time to start celebrating your next small wins.. Go on live a little!!

Nicholas Roddy